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Re: [Linux-aus] Linux Australia Website

Hi James & List,

I'm quite glad you brought that up, because as a web developer, I have had long (silent) concerns about the quality and attractiveness of the Linux Australia website.

One of the things I remember many years ago that first got me into linux, was the great community websites, with excellent humour, images & mascots!

I also have a thought to throw out there: Maybe linux.org.au & linux.com.au should be seperate, linux.org.au being similar to how it is now, simply information about the orginsation, and linux.com.au being a more commercial, user friendly community site!?

Anyway... all that said, if you need any help, I would be more than happy to put my hand up for this project!



James Purser wrote:
Dear Members,

At the Linux Australia Committee Face to Face meeting various things
were discussed. The state of Copyright in Australia, the place of FOSS
in our day to day lives and little Chinese lettuce things.

Apart from those vitally important topics, one thing did come up. The
state of the Linux Australia website. Its far past time that the site
was updated, and by updated I mean completely rebuilt from the ground

So as the person who insanely put his hand up to lead the website
rebuild I am extending an invitation to all who would be interested in
helping out with the rebuild of the website. You can respond either here
or off list.

To give you a brief idea of what I am looking at:

- Must be easily updatable by "non-techies"
- Must be easily extendable
- Must be able to facilitate e-commerce (a topic for a further email)

I'm looking for people who have skills in web development and graphic
design. Anyone is welcome to contribute.

And much much more.