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[Linux-aus] Report on ConnectingUp06

Greetings all,

On the 1-2 May I had the opportunity of representing Linux Australia
at the ConnectingUp06 conference in Adelaide. This conference is
"Information and Technology services for Australian Communities".

See: http://connectingup.cisa.asn.au/

Please find attached my report from the ConnectingUp06. There are some
photos available at http://www.mawsonlakes.org/media/misc/cu06/

- Linux and Open source are definitely on Microsoft's radar. Some
disparaging remarks were made from the podium during the first day.
The second day was more though positive as I was able to join in the
discussions as a representative of just another 'Not-for-profit'

- Over half of the people who visited the Linux Australia booth were
using Open Office and promoting it's use in the organisations they are
involved in.

- Although Microsoft is offering heavily discounted software to
Not-for-profit and charitable organisations (their 'Unlimited
Potential' program), one organisation said that they are still not
getting what they need and are installing OpenOffice instead.

- A workshop was held on creating a 'National Nonprofit ICT Coalition'
(NNIC), which is a project funded by the Federal Dept of
Communications, IT and the Arts (DCITA). This could be very exciting
with regards to open source adoption in the Not-for-Profit sector.

See the report for 'thank you's but I would like to take is
opportunity to specifically thank the Linux Australia  committee for
their sponsorship and assistance in pulling this together.

Paul Schulz

Attachment: report-linux-aus.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text