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[Linux-aus] web based IRC for Q&A session

On Tue, 2006-06-13 at 14:46 +1000, Pia Waugh wrote:
> Rusty Russell is going to have a live Q&A session about anti-circumvention
> issues in Australia, and how it impacts the Australian FOSS community. James
> Purser will be running the show, interviewing Rusty and taking questions
> from you, the live audience real-time via IRC. This will be live on Friday
> night 8:30pm Sydney time and the web streaming location will be posted in
> the #linux-aus IRC channel on irc.freenode.net from earlier that day. Please
> post your questions there too during the session for James to ask Rusty and
> have your questions answered. The stream will also be posted on the LA site
> after the event for others to catch it, however make sure you come to the
> live session to get your questions in and find out how anti-circumvention
> issues in Australia affect YOU.

To get a wider possible audience and have the lowest barrier to
participation possible, I propose we install:


on digital (the LA box) and have it set up ready to immediately point
people to the right channel.

The config (http://cgiirc.sourceforge.net/docs/config.php) looks really
easy to set up to point people to the right place.

It allows restriction so that people can only join the server and
channel we configure.

This is so that a working knowledge of IRC is not required to
participate and ask questions.

Admin team - it's probably best if you set this up with the proper
packages and such - this way we'll get updates.
Stewart Smith (stewart@linux.org.au)
Committee Member, Linux Australia

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