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Re: [Linux-aus] LCA2008 in Tasmania...

Hi Michael

Its a very funky creature =).
It looks vector based which will be a great help with using it at
different sizes.

The Melbourne one is a very different approach.
Its based on a tangram. Which is a puzzle that you can make many a shape from.
I chose this sort of thing because we were looking at the Melbourne
arty centre which has a lot of triangle designs through it and I felt
tangrams were sort of an open source approach to a logo. Something you
can play with the components of.
The Mel8ourne bid site is here:

Its great to have a Tas application in the running.
This LCA stuff brings out some great work in the linuxau community.
Its always exciting to see what flavours and approaches people take.

All the best.

hat: flying monkey for mel8ourne