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[Linux-aus] [Fwd: [LACTTE] Adelaide: Connecting Up Conference in May]

We would like to treat the following as a grant request. If anyone has
any objections then please let us know.
James Purser
Ordinary Committee Member
Linux Australia
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Connecting Up Conference

Dates: 1-2 May 2006
URL:   http://connectingup.cisa.asn.au/

The conference is a fantastic opportunity to promote Linux Australia
and the benefits of using Free and Open Source software in the wider
community. (See bottom of email for more details).

I am available on the days, and would be willing to organise a
community booth, with assistance from Linux Australia.

The cost of the community booth is $550 (for a 2x1m open style area), and
conference delegate fee is $200 (Not-for-profit sector).

It would also be fantasitic if a someone from the Linux Australia
committee would be able to attend.

  Registrations            - http://forms.bizgate.sa.gov.au/custom/cisa/
  Sponsoship/Booth Details - http://connectingup.cisa.asn.au/?page_id=7

I would also be looking for additional local people to help out
before, and on the day, and will be doing this through LinuxSA.

(From the Website)

Connecting Up 06
Changing your World with Technology
  - the Digital means to the Social End
1 - 2 May 2006
Hyatt Regency
North Terrace, Adelaide
South Australia

Information and communications technologies (ICT) are impacting
strongly on communities and the organisations that work with them.
Speakers from around Australia (as well as international speakers from
the UK, US, South Africa and New Zealand) will show you what you can
do to help change your 'world', whether it's a neighbourhood or a
nation, with the technologies of today and tomorrow.  This is the
third in an annual national conference series, organised by Community
Information Strategies Australia (CISA) Inc www.cisa.asn.au
'Information and technology services for Australian communities'

2005 State Winner, PM's Community-Business Partnership Award
Conference Goals

    * To provide a platform for innovative communities, businesses and
      governments around Australia to share their experiences,
      successes and lessons learned from programs and projects
      designed to change their 'world', whether it be a
      neighbourhood or a nation.

    * To promote the social and economic benefits for disadvantaged
      and isolated communities of access to affordable technology.

    * To provide opportunities for like-minded not-for-profits,
      communities, governments and businesses to build networks and
      develop programs and projects.

    * To create momentum towards a national approach to ensuring that
      the technology capacity of community and not-for-profit
      organisations allows them to effectively operate in the digital

      For further information, subscribe to the newsletter or call
      CISA on 8212 8555.

committee mailing list

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