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Re: [Linux-aus] Re: LCA, eh

Craige McWhirter wrote:

> Skip forward 20 months to January 2007 and I think that "LCA 2007,
> Wollongong" would be an ideal choice, provided SCLUG have the full
> support and backing of the SLUG community, which I don't doubt they'll
> have.

I suspect the hardest part for future LCAs is going to be venues...
Finding lecture centers which can take high hundreds of people without
costing the earth is going to be hard. It's clear to me that Canberra
wasn't a big enough venue, especially as we had to turn people away.

How do we keep getting bigger without sucking too much? How big is the
venue in Wollongong?



Michael Still (mikal@stillhq.com) | "The geek shall inherit
http://www.stillhq.com            |  the earth"
UTC + 10                          |    -- The Simpsons