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Re: [Linux-aus] Chilling effect?

Leon Brooks (leon@cyberknights.com.au) wrote:
> None of the three would explain why this was so, and said peer was not 
> in a situation to press them on the issue (read: many tens of thousands 
> of dollars' worth of work hanging in the balance in each case).
> Have any of you run across this kind of behaviour (or more of it) just 
> in the last month or two?

Here's one to make you smile. A large US/UK bank group has only recently
started to announce that they use Perl as one of their main programming
languages. Previously this was a closely guarded secret, since the
managment believed that using perl was a definite business advantage. :)

More recently, the bank has been contributing to the London.pm Perl
Mongers SIG, holding and presenting talks. They're now openly supporting
the use of Perl, and happy to talk of their experiences.

Not all OpenSource is forbidden within large corporates.


 James Bromberger <james_AT_rcpt.to> www.james.rcpt.to
 Remainder moved to http://www.james.rcpt.to/james/sig.html

I am in London on UK mobile +44 7952 042920.

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