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[Linux-aus] Fw: Re: [news]Rann's man slams open source

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Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 14:32:58 +0930
From: Glen Turner <glen.turner@aarnet.edu.au>
To: linuxsa@linuxsa.org.au
Subject: Re: [news]Rann's man slams open source

FYI, the actual letter.

Mr Bob Kramer
Executive Director, ISC
Initiative for Software Choice
4350 Fairfax Drive, Suite 440
VIRGINIA  USA  22203-1624

Dear Mr Kramer

I refer to your letter of 10 June 2003 to the Premier of South
Australia, Hon Mike Rann MP regarding the proposed State Supply
(Procurement of Software) Amendment Bill 2003. The Premier has asked
me to respond on your behalf.

I note that despite the growing interest in open source software (OSS)
within Government bodies, the Commonwealth Government recently
confirmed its position on open source and declared it "has not
promulgated a specific policy on agency use of OSS" and "will not be
rushing to do so". While the Commonwealth Government has not mandated
its use, a number of State Governments are investigating, trialling
and in some niche areas using open source software.

The South Australian Government continues to actively observe the
desktop and software market in Australia and overseas, and is
communicating with other States and the Commonwealth on OSS. This
involves evaluating other governments' consideration and adoption of
open source and other software alternatives. Consequently there are
numerous investigations and trials related to OSS in progress.

While worldwide interest in open source software often has regard to
software licensing fees, we are aware the choice between open source
and proprietary software depends on a number of factors and their
implications for business.

Global research and advisory firms have conducted extensive research
on the open source movement. Our research to date shows that
generally, open source software is not seen by the marketplace to be
suitable for fundamental business functions. Research also suggests
that many of the emerging applications cannot yet satisfy the needs of
the more expert office product users. We anticipate that features and
compatibility of OSS products will change over time as new versions
are released and products mature further.

The South Australian Government will review its desktop and local area
network and web server computing environments, and will explore
options having regard to supportability, interoperability, capacity
for local industry to support, local economic development, value for
money, skills development, equity and access. The Government's
objective is to establish an informed and considered direction that
will advantage the Government, business and the community.

Yours sincerely

Hon Jay Weatherill MP
Minister for Urban Development and Planning
Minister for Administrative Services
Minister for Gambling


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