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[Linux-aus] [link] The Linux Uprising (lots to read)


The Linux Uprising
How a ragtag band of software geeks is threatening Sun and Microsoft--and 
turning the computer world upside down
Pecked by Penguins
So far, Microsoft's attempts to counter the Linux threat have come up short
Commentary: Tech Outfits Should Take Notes
Online Extra: The Big Guys Latch Onto Linux
As the startups struggle or burn out, heavyweights such as IBM, Dell, Oracle, 
and HP are moving quickly to dominate this new market
Online Extra: Red Flags for Red Hat
Though the Linux sales-and-support outfit has seen strong recent growth, some 
analysts think the stock is overvalued
Online Extra: Next from Open Source: Killer Apps?
Now, programmers are going beyond operating systems to build business software 
products based on open code
Online Extra: Before Linux Is on Every Desktop...
...It's more likely to keep making greater strides in single-use areas, such 
as cash registers, than in consumers' PCs
Online Extra: Sun: It's Not "Linux or Nothing"
CEO Scott McNealy answers those who say the free OS threatens his Unix-based 
products: "A vote for Linux is a vote for Unix"
Online Extra: "Programmers Are Like Artists"
Linux expert Bruce Perens on the motives of people who work on open-source 
software -- and the communities it creates

Cheers; Leon

http://cyberknights.com.au/     Modern tools; traditional dedication
http://plug.linux.org.au/       Committee Member, Perth Linux User Group
http://slpwa.asn.au/            Committee Member, Linux Professionals WA
http://linux.org.au/            Committee Member, Linux Australia