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Re: [Linux-aus] Thanks for the fish!

Quoting Leon Brooks <leon@cyberknights.com.au>:
> Daaaaad? Are we there yet?
> I am thinking that it would be useful to have lca200X.linux.org.au
> redirecting 
> to old confs (or serving archives of them) so that conf.linux.org.au and 
> lca200$[X+1].linux.org.au would be pretty much instantly available for the 
> succeeding crew.
> Meantime, please instantiate a page *anywhere* to get things started, then 
> replace it with a redirector when you get a real site.

Sheesh!  It's only been 19 days since Perth finished!

We'll get there.  Hold onto your penguin.

Michael Davies           Linux.Conf.Au Adelaide Jan 2004
michaeld@senet.com.au    Australia's Premier Linux Conference
mirky on irc             http://www.to.be.announced
                         Can you afford to miss it? :-)

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