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Re: [Cbsupport] Who is #computerbank IRC for?

On Mon, Apr 07, 2003 at 07:32:13PM +1000, Jan Smith wrote:
> Hi All
> I believe most members of Computerbank believe that disadvantaged people
> should have computer access, that is why I am mentioning this.
> I was saddened today when I was on #computerbank IRC to see someone post a
> question about deleting a program.  Sometime later the person wrote on IRC
> that she/he had been sent an email and told it wasn't possible to offer that
> level of support.

Hi Jan,

I sent that email.  I'm not currently active with Computerbank, although I
have been in the past, and I was attempting to help Avery.  He/she was asking
lots of questions (good), some of which require quite long and tricky answers.
Realistically, I'm not sure if the subscribers to the computerbank support
list will have time to compose email responses to all of them.  I also pointed
out a book which is available online, which answers some of them, and should
provide some of the groundwork for answering others.  Perhaps the book will be
too technical, but I hope not.

So, it's not that computerbank can't provide a certain level of support (I'm
not currently invovled, so I don't know) but that mailing lists are probably
not the right place to get answers to those particular questions.  Someone
currently active in computerbank should feel free to correct me.

Peter Eckersley
Department of Computer Science   &                  mailto:pde@cs.mu.oz.au 
IP Research Institute of Australia             http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~pde
The University of Melbourne